Loker PT Pertamina (Persero) as a Company BUMN since 1957 until the change of
the status law became the Company Perseroan Limited (Persero). In the 1950s,
when the administration of the state began to normalize after the war for
defending the independence, the Indonesia government authority began to
inventory the sources of state revenue, including oil and gas. In that period,
the management of oil fields that had been previously controlled by the Dutch
was uncontrollable and disputed. However, in 1960, PT PERMINA was restructured
into a state-owned company known as PN PERMINA, as a realization of Government
policy, whereby the party entitled to oil and gas exploration in Indonesia
became the state. In order to strengthen this newly born company, the
Indonesian government issued Law No. 8/ 1971, which positioned Pertamina as the
only state owned enterprise tasked with managing the oil and gas business, from
processing and producing oil and gas from oil fields all over Indonesia and processing
them into various products, to providing and meeting the demand for fuel and
natural gas in Indonesia. Subsequently, as a result of dynamic changes in both
the national and global oil and gas industries, the Indonesian Government
passed Oil and Gas Law No. 22/2001. With the passing of this law, Pertamina had
the same position as the other oil companies. The arrangement of the PSO
business will be subject to competition mechanisms that are reasonable, fair,
and transparent with appropriate pricing in accordance with the market.
In Mei 2016 Loker PT Pertamina back open career opportunities or the lates
vacancy opened April 2016 for lowongan kerja Fresh Graduate. What
are the activities schedule info, when implementation of the enrollment, how
his condition ? Please read below.
In order to expand the business network in Mei 2016 and to
meet the needs of the human resources of PT Pertamina in the
latest Vacancy position:
Analyst Financial Operational Development
- Scholars from a variety of majors, topping from Accounting/Management Finance
- S1 with experience of work 6 - 9 years
- Work experiences in the field of Finance, topping the field in accounting office, or
- Work experiences in the field of Human Resources Management, topping in the field of Organization Management
- Min. 3 years served position level Jr.Analyst or Jr. Officer
Inspector - MOR III
- Bachelor of Engineering, Department of mechanical engineering preferred
- S1 with a work experience of 6-9 years
- Work experience in the field of Engineering, preferably in the field of Mechanical Engineering
Loker PT Pertamina closed on: May 20, 2016
For info on the latest jobs and Vacancies Mei 2016 you can follow your link below. In addition, you
can also register your email to get update of the latest job
vacancies CPNS official
from us for free you can also follow us on facebook fanspages which also
always update the latest jobs info official 2015 everyday. Thanks for his visit and good
luck getting the job you want.
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