6 August 2012

Jamkrindo Open Recruitment 2012

Rekrutmen JamkrindoPerum Jaminan Kredit Indonesia or populary called Jamkrindo is a Company owned by Goverment (BUMN) which is moves in the field of credit guarantee business/financing banks and non bank. Jamkindo has a purpose that participate implement and support the Government's policies and programmes in the field of economy and national development, by carrying out activities on the granting of credit for micro, small, medium and cooperatives (UMKMK). Jamkrindo invite a son/daughter of the nation's having integrity and dedicated to following the selection of employee acceptance in 2012 as follows :

 The Operational Staff (Accounts Officer/Credit Analysis), Credit Control
 General Staff
 The Human Resources Staff

 Finance/Accounting Staff, Budget, Treasury/Investment
 The Legal Staff
 Internal Watchdog Unit Staff
 Information Technology Staff

If you are interested in this Jobs, the deadline for receipt of application no later than 8 September 2012 (postmarked), you can find out more information by  Downloading the official announcement info here:
 Jamkrindo Career

Job Opportunities for Lippo Insurance , Jiwasraya Insurance Here !!!